HLS RTMP Streaming

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Which RTMP Package is Best for You to Maximize Your Streaming Experience?

The amount of data transmitted and processed during video streaming is referred to as bitrate. A higher bitrate will result in a better quality stream, directly impacting the viewing experience.

During the trial account period, the bitrate is set to a level that provides a high-quality streaming experience. However, different package options will have varying bitrates, and it’s crucial to select the appropriate package and make encoder adjustments (like OBS) accordingly.

For optimal streaming experience on smartphones, we recommend 720 kbps for normal quality and 1024 kbps for high quality. For streaming on any device with medium quality, 1792 kbps is suitable, while 2048 kbps is ideal for medium-high quality. If you want high-quality streaming on any device, go for 3072 kbps. And if you’re aiming for very high-quality streaming on TVs, the No Limit (RTMP 999 @ 99999 package) is the way to go.

  • 720 kbps recommended for smartphones
  • 1024 kbps recommended for high-quality streams on smartphones
  • 1792 kbps can stream to any device with medium quality
  • 2048 kbps can stream to any device with medium-high quality
  • 3072 kbps can stream to any device with high quality
  • No Limit (RTMP 999 @ 99999 package) for very high-quality streams, for example, TVs